Tuesday 27 April 2021

What Is The Various Application Of Liquid Nitrogen In The Healthcare Industry?

Nitrogen NF has an extensive application in the healthcare industry as it is used as a cryogen to freeze tissue, blood samples, and other biological specimens for preservation purposes. Medical liquid nitrogen is generally used for freezing and destroying diseased tissues in cryosurgery and dermatology. The primary purpose of its use is to avoid oxidation of the samples. Let’s get to know some of its applications in healthcare units.

·         Dental clinic

     Many dentists use cryotherapy for oral lesions, oral medicine, and clinical oral pathology. People fear performing any dental surgery procedure as it can be very painful. But the application of medical liquid nitrogen is well received by the patients because it relatively lacks any discomfort and bleeding. After the healing process, there would be minimal to no scarring.

·         Medical care

     In medical care, liquid nitrogen is generally applied through a spray bottle or cotton swab to thaw the process, which is causing damage to the cells. In dermatology, it’s frequently used to freeze benign growth, precancers, and skin cancers. Hospitals use Ln2 for the removal of warts, moles, verrucas, skin tags, etc. It’s used as a part of the medical gas mixture for lung function tests.

·         Veterinary clinic

      The use of medical liquid nitrogen is extensive in animal husbandry. It is used to prepare frozen cattle semen for cattle embryo transplantation and a variety of animals for embryonic survival. With the implementation of smart software, the Ln2 amount can be controlled to assure frozen storage of biological products.

This medical-grade nitrogen product is helpful in many ways for the healthcare industry. Reach out to MAC Medical and Industrial Services, Inc. to get medical liquid nitrogen supply at an affordable price.

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