Wednesday 11 May 2022

Some Preventive Maintenance For Medical Air Compressors

Medical air compressors do require frequent maintenance to ensure good performance. In the following section, we will discuss about various medical air compressors and see some preventive care for them. 

Types of medical air compressors

Scroll compressors: This equipment is used for compressing air for refrigeration. A scroll compressor must be maintained annually. During the inspection, the compressor’s belts, tension, tips seals, and O-rings are checked. The bearings are greased. 

Reciprocating compressors: These are also known as piston compressors. The compressor is a displacement compressor that has pistons driven by crankshaft to produce gases at high pressure. The gas goes into the suction manifold and make its way to the compression cylinder where the gas is compressed. When the equipment is maintained, the belts should be checked and changed if required, piston rings are to be replaced and no changes should be done to tip seals and oil. 

If you are looking for your medical equipment repair, you can reach out to a trustworthy agency that will do it for you. There is no denying that regular maintenance of your medical equipment will ensure good performance over a period. As these equipment are used in health care facilities and thus preventive maintenance become mandatory. 

Knowing the differences between various types of compressors and understanding their maintenance requirements is vital for the health care facility manager and other staff. While medical equipment repair can be done anytime, timely repair matters a lot. 

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